Policy Briefs


Towards an integrated transition planning ecosystem

Author(s) Mark Manning, Visiting Senior Fellow, Centre for Economic Transition Expertise, Grantham Research Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science (UK); Megan Bowman, Professor of Law, King's Centre for Climate Law and Governance, King's College London (UK); Peter Knaack Policy Consultant, World Bank Group (US); Lisa Sachs, Director, Columbia Center on Sustainable investment, Columbia Law School (US); Agnieszka Smolenska Visiting Fellow, Centre for Economic Transition Expertise, Grantham Research Institute. London School of Economics and Political Science (UK); Fiona Stewart Global Lead, Insurance and Pensions. World Bank Group (US); Perrine Toledano Director of Research and Policy. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment. Columbia Law School (US).

The Strategic Role of Carbon Markets: Incentivizing Carbon Dioxide Removals in support of a low-carbon economy

Author(s) Isabela Morbach, Director, CCS Brasil (Brazil); Mallika Ishwaran, Chief Economist, Shell International (United Kingdom).

Activating positive financial tipping points for zero-carbon investments in lower-income countries: a twin-track approach catalysed with international guarantees

Author(s) Yaroslav Melekh, Research Fellow in Economics of Energy Innovation and System Transition, University College London (United Kingdom); Joisa Campanher Dutra Saraiva, Professor of Economics and Director of the Infrastructure Regulation Center, Fundação Getulio Vargas (Brazil); Jamie Rickman, Research Fellow in Complex Networks, University College London (United Kingdom); Michael Grubb, Professor of Energy and Climate Change, University College London (United Kingdom); Godfred Bokpin, Professor of Finance, University of Ghana (Ghana); Lilia Caiado Coelho Beltrao Couto, Program Manager (Intersection of Finance, Climate and Equity), Open Society Foundations (United Kingdom).

Mainstreaming Physical Climate Risk Disclosures and Adaptation in ESG Matrices

Author(s) Shravan Prabhu, Programme Associate, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (India); Vanya Pandey, Research Analyst, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (India); Mohammad Rafiuddin, Programme Associate, Council on Energy, Environment and Water (India); Labanya Prakash Jena, Senior Manager, Climate Policy Initiative (Global); Anushka Maheshwari, Research Consultant, Council on Energy, Environment, and Water (India).

Increasing Coherence Between Disclosure Standards and Frameworks on Biodiversity in G20 Countries

Author(s) Dr. Theresa Spandel, Climate & Company (Germany); Max Tetteroo, Climate & Company (Germany); Dr. Sofia Helena Zanella Carra, Climate & Company (Germany); Yunwen Bai Institute of Finance and Sustainability (China); Yuqing Cheng Institute of Finance and Sustainability, China Xinyuan Yin, Institute of Finance and Sustainability (China); Vanessa de Souza Pereira, Brazilian Business Council on Sustainable Development (CEBDS) (Brazil); Juliana Lopes, Brazilian Business Council on Sustainable Development (CEBDS) (Brazil).

Developing Climate-Related Information Disclosure to Unlock Private Climate Finance and Support Financial Stability in the G20 Economies

Author(s) Sayuri Shirai, Professor of Economics at the Keio University's faculty of policy management (Japan); Agnes Surry, Deputy Head of Capacity Building and Training and Senior Economist, Asian Development Bank Institute

Accelerating the Transition to Net Zero: Insights and Recommendations from G20 Regulations

Author(s) Lucilla Idalina de Cássia Borges Ramos Dias, Project Manager-Net Zero Regulation and Policy Hub, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford (UK); Adriana Elera, Energy Innovation Intern, Bezos Earth Fund (USA); Alexis McGivern, Net Zero Standards Manager, Oxford Net Zero, University of Oxford (UK); Fiona Macklin, Senior Advisor-Groundswell, Global Optimism (UK); Kaya Axelsson, Head of Policy and Partnerships, Oxford Net Zero, University of Oxford (UK); Natalie Unterstell President, Instituto Talanoa (Brazil).

Strengthening Multilateralism, Climate Action, and Sustainable Food Systems through Agricultural Technology Transfer

Author(s) Megan Steele, Junior Expert Innovation Ecosystem Engagement, Alliance Bioveristy CIAT/CGIAR (Italy); Gianpiero Menza Senior Manager Partnerships & Innovative Finance, Alliance-Bioversity-CIAT/CGIAR (Italy); Kevin Dowling, Knowledge Management and Communications Specialist, Alliance Bioversity-CIAT/CGIAR (Italy); Olalekan Akinbo, Senior Program Officer Biosafety, African Union Development Agency - NEPAD (African Union); Lukovi Seke, Program Officer Science and Technology, African Union Development Agency-NEPAD (African Union); Daniel Trento do Nascimento, Advisor to the Business Directorate, Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Brazil).

Operationalizing Loss & Damage Financing for Marginalised Urban Communities

Author(s) Simone Sandholz, Head of Urban Futures and Sustainability Transformation Division, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Kai Klause, Advocacy Officer for Urban Transformation, Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e.V. (Germany); Magdalena Mirwald, Associate Project Manager, Munich Climate Insurance Initiative-MCII, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Douwe van Schie Researcher, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Lucas Turmena Senior Researcher, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Syed Muhammad Abbas Researcher, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Philip Bananayo, Researcher, United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Kees van der Geest, Head of Environment and Migration: Interactions and Choices Division, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Caroline Kibii, Visiting Researcher, United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Nabiyya Perennia, Researcher, United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Gadjah Mada, University (Indonesia); Anika Schroeder, Advocacy Officer for Climate Policy, Bischöfliches Hilfswerk Misereor e. V. (Germany); Alejandra Ramos Gálvez, Researcher, United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany); Sönke Kreft, Chief Climate Risk Strategist. Munich Climate Insurance Initiative-MCII, United Nations University-Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) (Germany).

Fostering Climate Justice Finance in G20 countries

Author(s) Maureen Santos, BRICS Policy Center (Brazil); Emiliano Lopez, Instituto Tricontinental (Argentina); Luiz Henrique Gomes de Moura, MST, International Association for Popular Cooperation (Baobab) (China); Julianna Malerba, FASE, Rede Brasileira de Justiça Ambiental (Brazil); César Flores Unzaga, CooperAcción, Grupo de Justicia Fiscal (Peru); Paula Sandrin, International Relations Institute, PUC-Rio (Brazil).

Enhancing Role of Young Girls and Women in Climate Action through Fair and Equitable Access to Technology

Author(s) Saundharaya Khanna, Manager-Sustainable Finance, Development Alternatives (India); Ruchi Chaudhary, Program Manager, Climate Action Network South Asia (Nepal); Dr. Swayam Prabha Das, Associate Vice President-Policy Research and Planning, Development Alternatives (India); Nakul Sharma, Program Coordinator-Climate Research and Advocacy, Climate Action Network South Asia (India).

Advancing Affordable Access to Climate Technologies for Clean Transition and Sustainable Industrialization in Developing Countries

Author(s) Rachel Thrasher, Boston University Global Development Policy Center (United States); Nagesh Kumar, Institute for Studies in Industrial Development (India); Elizabeth Sidiropoulos, South African Institute of International Affairs (South Africa); Kevin P. Gallagher, Boston University Global Development Policy Center (United States); Faizel Ismail, University of Capetown Nelson Mandela School of Public Governance (South Africa).