Policy Briefs


The UN and the G20

Author(s) Florencia Lorenzo, Senior Researcher, Tax Justice Network (England); Sergio Chaparro, International Policy and Advocacy Lead, Tax Justice Network (England); Liz Nelson, Director of Advocacy & Research, Tax Justice Network (England); Dr. Maria Ron Balsera, Executive Director, Center for Social and Economic Rights (USA); Ohene Ampofo-Anti, Program Associate, Center for Social and Economic Rights (USA).

Blended Finance: A Capital-Catalyzing Tool for Financing SDGs in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

Author(s) Débora Masullo, Partner, Impacta Sustainable Finance (Brazil); María José Valverde, Project Manager, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH (Germany); Felipe Vignoli, Founding partner, Impacta Sustainable Finance (Brazil); Vitória Kramer, Partner, Impacta Sustainable Finance (Brazil); Lucas Formigoni, Partner, Impacta Sustainable Finance (Brazil); Diogo da Conceição Rego, Project Manager, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH (Germany); Michael König, Project Manager, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH (Germany); Mathias Grimm Bertello, Research Assistant, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management gGmbH (Germany) ; Marco Gorini, Co-founder and CEO, Din4mo (Brazil).

Towards Another Formulation of the Financing Problem: Can the G20 Serve As a Driver of Policies for Prosperity and Sustainability?

Author(s) Tatiana Oliveira, Policy Advisor for the Institute of Socioeconomic Studies (Brazil); Carola Mejia, Coordinator of Climate Justice, Transitions and the Amazon y the Latin American Network for Economic and Social Justice (Bolivia); Marcela Vecchione-Gonçalvez, Associate Professor at the Center for Advanced Amazonian Studies from the Federal University of Pará (Brazil).

International Financial Reforms for an Equitable, Nature-Positive Economy and the Sustainable Development Goals

Author(s) Arimbi Wahono, Senior Consultant, Shared Planet (United Kingdom); Tarsicio Granizo, Director, WWF Ecuador (Ecuador); Karen Ellis, Chief Economist, WWF UK (United Kingdom); Vassilis Gkoumas, Economist, WWF UK (United Kingdom).

Intergenerational equity at the center of international finance architecture reforms: a youth-led policy guide

Author(s) Marina Guião, Co-Coordinator, YOUNGO Finance & Markets Working Group (Brazil); Drew Johnson, Co-Coordinator, YOUNGO Finance & Markets Working Group (USA); Jodi-Ann Wang, Co-Contact Point, YOUNGO Finance & Markets Working Group (Canada).

From Crisis to Reform: How the G20 Can Support the Reform of the International Financial Architecture to Unlock Private Capital for Low-Income, Resource-Rich Economies in Africa

Author(s) Mma Amara Ekeruche, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa (CSEA), (Nigeria); Christopher Heitzig, Postgraduate researcher, Institute of Development Studies (IDS), (United Kingdom); Lemma W. Senbet, Dean's Chaired Professor of Finance, Smith School of Business, University of Maryland: Member, Distinguished Advisory Group, Brookings Africa Growth Initiative (AGI), (United States).

The economic, social and environmental potential of SDRs

Author(s) Sara Murawski, Researcher, Sustainable Finance Lab (The Netherlands); Adrian Chikowore, Independent Consultant (Zimbabwe); Tirivangani Mutazu, Independent Consultant (Zimbabwe); Rens van Tilburg, Director, Sustainable Finance Lab (the Netherlands).

Financing Climate and Health Solutions

Author(s) Estelle Willie, Director, Health Policy and Communications, The Rockefeller Foundation (U.S.); Greg Kuzmak, Director, Health, The Rockefeller Foundation (U.S.); John Fairhurst, Head, Private Sector Engagement, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Switzerland); Maria Sol Pintos Castro, Senior Manager, Private Sector Engagement, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Switzerland); Patrick Gitonga, Health and Climate Senior Specialist, Green Climate Fund (Republic of Korea); Darren Karjama, Partnerships and Outreach Senior Specialist, Green Climate Fund (Republic of Korea); Antonios Kolimenakis, Technical Officer, Department of Climate Change and Health, World Health Organization (Switzerland); Arthur Wyns, Advisor, COP28 Presidency: Research Fellow, University of Melbourne (Australia); Naomi Beyler, Climate-Health Advisor, Independent Contractor (U.S.).

A Fairer Global Tax Architecture

Author(s) Martin Hearson, Research Director, ICTD, United Kingdom; Frederik Heitmüller, Associate Postdoctoral Fellow, ICTD, United Kingdom; Mbakiso Magwape, Postdoctoral Fellow, ICTD, United Kingdom; Suranjali Tandon, Associate Professor, NIPFP, India.

How the G20 can support rights-aligned tax reforms which enable human rights, racial justice and gender justice

Author(s) Luke Holland, Network and Partner Relations Manager, Tax Justice Network (United Kingdom); Liz Nelson, Director of Advocacy & Research, Tax Justice Network (United Kingdom); Dr. Maria Ron Balsera, Interim Executive Director, Center for Economic and Social Rights (USA); Ohene Yaw Ampofo-Anti, Program Associate, Center for Economic and Social Rights (USA).

Improving Tax Expenditure Reporting to Enhance Tax Expenditure Policy Making

Author(s) Agustin Redonda, Senior Fellow, Council on Economic Policies (CEP), (Switzerland), corresponding author Paolo de Renzio, Senior Lecturer, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration of Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV/EBAPE), (Brazil); Santiago Diaz de Sarralde, Director of Tax Studies and Research, Inter-American Center of Tax Administration (CIAT), (Panama); Amina Ebrahim, Research Fellow, United Nations University World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), (Finland); Hazel Granger, Senior Research Fellow, ODI (United Kingdom); Christian von Haldenwang, Senior Researcher, German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS), (Germany); Kyle McNabb, Research Associate, ODI (Uganda); Everlyn Muendo, Policy Officer, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), (Kenya); Chenai Mukumba, Executive Director, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA), (Kenya).

Getting an Equal Piece of The Pie: Taxing the Digital Economy in South Asia and Latin America

Author(s) Hakshala David, Economist - Innovative Financing Associate, United Nations Development Programme (Sri Lanka); Dinesh Thapa, Strategic Partnerships Coordinator, Global Development Network (France).