Policy Briefs


Fostering a Global Public Financial Ecosystem for Development and Climate Action

Author(s) Thomas Marois, Director, Public Banking Project, McMaster University (Canada); Ali Rıza Güngen, Research Associate Academic. Public Banking Project, McMaster University (Canada); Lavinia Steinfort, Public Alternatives Project Coordinator. Transnational Institute (Netherlands); María José Romero, Policy and Advocacy Manager, Eurodad, Eurodad (Belgium)

Transition plans: putting the G20 principles into practice

Author(s) Rariany Monteiro, Public Finance Specialist, WWF (Brazil); Sima Kammourieh, Programme Lead Sustainable Finance E3G (Germany); Jochen Krimphoff, Lead Data, Tools & Methods, WWF (Germany); Maud Abdelli, Lead of The Greening Financial Regulation Initiative, WWF (Switzerland); Siti Kholifatul Rizkiah, Lead SUSREG, WWF (Malaysia).

Stablecoins, Distributed Ledger Technology, and the Future of Global Finance: Navigating Regulatory Challenges and Opportunities

Author(s) Camila Villard Duran, Associate Professor of Law, EU"Asia Institute - ESSCA School of Management (France); Matheus Henrique Bonin Cangussu, Director, Instituto Brasileiro de Finanças Digitais, and Master's candidate, University of São Paulo (Brazil).

Rethinking the role of central bank currency swaps to strengthen the Global Financial Safety Net for developing countries: New empirical evidence

Author(s) Laurissa Mühlich, Non-Resident Research Fellow, Freie Universität Berlin: Institute for Latin American Studies (Germany); Thomas Goda, Assistant Professor of Economics, Universidad EAFIT: School of Finance, Economics and Government (Colombia).

Utilising Sovereign Wealth Funds for Climate Finance: A Strategic Approach to Enhance MDBs' Role in the Green Sustainable Transition

Author(s) Carmem Feijó, Full Professor, Federal Fluminense University (UFF), CNPq researcher, Coordinator of the Research Group on Financialization and Development - Finde/UFF (Brazil); Milford Bateman Professor of Development Studies, St Mary's University, Halifax, Canada. Honorary Research Associate. Royal Holloway, University of London (UK); Fernanda Feil, Collaborating Lecturer, Postgraduate Program in Economics (PPGE) at UFF, Researcher at Finde/UFF (Brazil); Fernando Amorim Teixeira, Post-doctoral researcher at PPGE/UFF and Finde/UFF (Brazil)

Reforming the IMF Surcharge Rate Policy to Avoid Procyclical Lending

Author(s) Kevin Gallagher, Professor, Boston University Pardee School of Global Studies and Director, Boston University, Global Development Policy Center (USA); Martin Guzman, Professor, Columbia University SIPA and Co-President, Initiative for Policy Dialogue (USA); Joseph Stiglitz, University Professor, Columbia University and Co-President, Initiative for Policy Dialogue (USA); Marilou Uy, Non-Resident Senior Fellow, Boston University, Global Development Policy Center (USA).

A Path to Inclusive and Resilient Global Financial Architecture: Exploring the Potential of Central Bank Digital Currencies

Author(s) Camila Villard Duran, Associate Professor of Law, EU*Asia Institute - ESSCA School of Management (France); Daniel Fideles Steinberg, Assistant Professor of Law, Mackenzie University (Brazil).

Improving Focus of Multilateral Development Banks for Better Supporting Modern Challenges of Sustainable Development

Author(s) Gennady Vasiliev, Head of Partner Relations. Eurasian Fund for Stabilization and Development (Regional); Aleksandra Morozkina, Deputy Dean for Research, Faculty of World Economy and International Affairs, Higher School of Economics (Russia); Mariam Voskanyan chair of Economics and Finance, Russian-Armenian University (Armenia)

Digital Currencies in the Developing World: Coordinating and Sandboxing CBDCs

Author(s) Alexandre Coelho, Professor, Fundação Escola de Sociologia e Política de São Paulo (Brazil); Carolina Souza, IPTech Lawyer and Researcher, Legalite Center - PUC-Rio (Brazil); Flávia Mitake. Researcher, Observatório de Politica Externa e da Inserção do Brasil (Brazil); Marina Moreno de Farias, Researcher, LabChina - Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil); Thais Araripe, PhD Candidate, International Strategic Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil); Thiago P B Bessimo Institutional Director and PHD candidate, Observa China 观中国 (Brazil) and Hertie School (Germany).

Roads for Mdbs to Help to Close the Financial and Technical Gaps for Fossil Fuels Phase-Out in Developing Countries

Author(s) Paola Yanguas Parra, Policy Advisor, International Institute for Sustainable Development - IISD (Canada); Angela Picciariello, Senior Researcher, International Institute for Sustainable Development - IISD (Canada); Joachim Roth, Climate Policy Lead, World Benchmarking Alliance - WBA (Netherlands); Ahmed Mohamed, Institutional Engagement Lead- World Benchmarking Alliance - WBA (Netherlands)

How to build a more equitable and inclusive global financial safety net?

Author(s) Ming Zhang, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Institute of Finance & Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (China); Yinmo Chen, Assistant Professor, Business School of Beijing Language and Culture University (China); Miguel Otero Iglesias, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute and Professor of International Political Economy at IE University (Spain).

Making the IMF fit for purpose: An analysis and a proposal for reforming the Fund's current interest rate polic

Author(s) Emiliano Libman, Researcher, Fundar (Argentina); Maia Colodenco, Director of Global Initiatives, Sudamericana Visión (Argentina); Anahí Wiedenbrug, Consultant and Senior Researcher of Global Initiatives, Sudamericana Visión (Argentina); Jens van 't Klooster, Asistant Professor, University of Amsterdam (the Netherlands); Sara Murawski, Researcher & Project Manager, Sustainable Finance Lab (the Netherlands); Sander Tordoir, Chief Economist, Centre for European Reform (Germany); Michael Waibel, Professor of International Law, University of Vienna (Austria).