Policy Briefs


Artificial Intelligence Spring: Implications on Labour Market

Author(s) Prof. Santosh Mehrotra, Research Fellow, IZA-Institute of Labour Economics (Germany); Ms. Sanjna Agarwal, Research Analyst, Centre for Social and Economic Progress (India); Mr. Arpit Barman, Research Assistant. Research and Information System for Developing Countries (India); Dr. Tuhinsubhra Giri, Consultant, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (India)

Al Technologies: Algorithmic Monocultures, Arbitrariness, and Global Divides

Author(s) Claudio Mayrink Verdun, Research Scholar, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University (USA); Camila Akemi Tsuzuki, Operations Coordinator, Instituto Vero (Brazil); Caio Vieira Machado, PhD Student, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, University of Oxford, UK and Universidade de São Paulo Law School (Brazil); Juan Felipe Gomez, PhD Student, Department of Physics, Harvard University (USA); Lucas Monteiro Paes, PhD Student, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University (USA); Flavio P. Calmon, Assistant Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, Harvard University (USA)

AI governance mechanisms with a human rights approach

Author(s) Maria Paz Canales, Head of Legal Policy and Research for Global Partners Digital (United Kingdom); Ellie McDonald, Lead engagement and advocacy for Global Partners Digital (United Kingdom); lan Andrew Barber, Lead legal for Global Partners Digital (United Kingdom).

Regulatory sandboxes as a mechanism for achieving SDGs

Author(s) Noha Lea Halim, TUM ThinkTank (Germany); Christiane Perrone, Institute for Technology and Society (ITS Rio, Brazil); Armando Guio Español, Global Network for Internet & Society Centers: BKC (Colombia).

Labour Market Implications of Generative AI and the Case for Universal Basic Income Schemes

Author(s) Eleonora Poli, Head of Office, Centre for European Policy (Italy); Anselm Küsters, Head of the Department of Digitisation / New Technologies, Centre for European Policy (Germany)

Freedom of association of workers from a Global South perspective: in search of a collective approach in the digitized work environment

Author(s) Sofia Scasserra, Instituto del Mundo del Trabajo/UNTREF (Argentina); Michel Roberto Oliveira de Souza, Derechos Digitales (Chile).

Enabling Social Inclusion through Human-centered Approaches to Cybersecurity

Author(s) Jaimee Stuart, United Nations University (Macau, SAR, China); Mamello Thinyane, University of South Australia (Australia); Keith Detros, Tech for Good Institute (Singapore).

Digitalizing MSMEs for Employment Creation and Sustainable Development

Author(s) Hilman Palaon, Research Fellow, Lowy Institute (Australia); Rini Palupi Radikun, Executive Director, Catur Adhimukti (Indonesia); Eusebius Pantja Pramudya, Faculty Member, Prasetiya Mulya University (Indonesia); Aloysius Gunadi Brata, Lecturer, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University (Indonesia); Sigit Triandaru, Lecturer, Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University (Indonesia).

Bridging the Digital Gender Gap as An SDG Accelerator

Author(s) Ayaka Matsuno, Program Director, The Sasakawa Peace Foundation (Japan); Lauren S. Power, Adjunct Professor, Sophia University (Japan); Tetsushi Sonobe, Dean & CEO, Asia Development Bank Institute (Japan); Andrew Wyckoff, Nonresident Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution (USA).

Algorithmic Transparency in Digital Work Platforms: a Policy Proposal for Sustainable Development in the Digital Era within the G20 Context

Author(s) Caroline Coelho, Researcher, Institute of Advanced Studies at University of Sao Paulo on Responsible Artificial Intelligence (Brazil); Atahualpa Blanchet, Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law (Germany).

Transition to a Low-carbon Economy and Sustainable Consumption and Production – The role of GALERI

Author(s) Sabyasachi Saha, Associate Professor, RIS (India); Pamla Gopaul, Programme Senior programme Officer Economic analysis and foresight, African Union Development Agency (South Africa); Syed Arslan Ali, Research Assistant, RIS (India); R Balasubramaniam, Member (HR) Capacity Building Commission, Government of India (India); Nicolas Buchoud, Senior Consultant and Advisor to the Dean, ADB Institute (Japan); Sachin Chaturvedi, Director General, RIS (India); Shailly Kedia, Associate Director, Sustainable Development and Outreach, TERI (India); Daniel Kehrer, Senior Advisor Climate Change and Environmental Policy Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (Germany); Holger Kuhle, Policy Adviser, Global Solutions Initiative (GSI) Strategic Knowledge Partnership Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) (Germany); Thomas Pogge, Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale University (USA); Heerad Sabeti, CEO, Fourth Sector Group (USA); Rolf Schwarz, Head, Global Engagement, OECD Development Co-operation Directorate, (France); Gopalkrishna Tadas, Visiting Fellow, RIS (India).

Adopting an Intersectional Approach to Digital Education and Skills

Author(s) Camila Fernandez Achutti, Co-Chair of the Women in STEM Working Group and Delegate, W20 Brazil (Brazil); Tamara Dancheva, Senior International Relations Manager, GSMA: Co-Chair of the Women in STEM Working Group and EU Head Delegate, W20 European Union (EU); Lauren S Power, Adjunct Professor, Sophia University: Co-Chair of the Women in STEM Working Group and Delegate, W20 USA (Japan, USA).