Policy Briefs


Balancing a Trifecta of Economic Development, Environmental Sustainability, and Social Inclusivity: a Policy Framework for Low-Impact Siting to Facilitate India's Sustainable Energy Transition

Author(s) Joseph M Kiesecker, Lead Scientist, The Nature Conservancy- Global Protect Oceans, Lands and Waters (United States of America); Nupur Bapuly, Policy Analyst, Nature Conservancy india Solutions Pvt. Ltd., an affiliate of The Nature Conservancy (India); Shivaprakash KN Senior Applied Scientist, Nature Conservancy India Solutions Pvt. Ltd., an affiliate of The Nature Conservancy (India); Kel Sochi, Spatial Scientist, The Nature Conservancy- Global Protect Oceans, Lands and Waters (United States of America); Anthony Ortiz, Principal Research Scientist Manager, Microsoft Al for Good Research Lab (United States of America); Juan Lavista Ferres, Corporate VP, Chief Data Scientist and Lab Director, Microsoft Al for Good Research Lab (United States of America); Caleb Robinson, Principal Research Scientist, Microsoft Al for Good Research Lab (United States of America); James Oakleat, The Nature Conservancy-Global Protect Oceans, Lands and Waters (United States of America); Aishwarya Bhattacharjee, Social Values Mapping Postdoctoral Fellow, The Nature Conservancy- Global Protect Oceans, Lands and Waters (United States of America); Anand Madhav Mishra, Project Coordinator, Nature Conservancy India Solutions Pvt. Ltd., an affiliate of The Nature Conservancy (India); Vishnu Pandey, Outreach Manager, Nature Conservancy India Solutions Pvt. Ltd., an affiliate of The Nature Conservancy (India).

Strategies for collecting demand-side data on digital technologies for informed policies in the Global South

Author(s) Andrew Partridge, Senior Economist, Research ICT Africa (South Africa); Graziela Castello, Coordinator of Sectoral Studies and Qualitative Methods, Cetic.br/Nic.br (Brazil).

A North-South Agenda for the Renewables Challenge: Ensuring Sustainable Supply Chains, Equitable Green Development and Transparency Standards

Author(s) Ana Julia Aneise, Lead Researcher at Energy Department, Fundar (Argentina); Sebastian Sahla, Policy Manager, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (Global); Elisabeth Möhle, Lead Researcher at Energy Department, Fundar (Argentina); Carlos Freytes, Director of Natural Resources Department, Fundar (Argentina); Victoria Arias Mahiques, Coordinator of Natural Resources Department, Fundar (Argentina); Victor Delbuono, Lead Researcher at Natural Resources Department, Fundar (Argentina); Esteban Manteca, Regional Director, Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (Global); Martin Obaya, Researcher, National Scientific and Technical Research Council (Argentina); Andrea Wainer, Project Manager Renewable Energy and Sustainability, REN21 (Global); Michael Jarvis, Executive Director, Trust, Accountability, and Inclusion Collaborative (United States of America); Anabel Marin, Leader of the Business, Markets and State Cluster, Institute of Development Studies (United Kingdom); Antonio Andreoni, Professor of Development Economics, School of Oriental and African Studies (United Kingdom).

A G20 compact for responsible renewable energy development

Author(s) Bhakti G, Programme Officer, Energy, Climate Group (India); Ornella Nicolacci, Director, Global Programs, Clean Energy Buyers Institute (United States of America); Shivedita Singh, Project Officer, Energy Transitions, Climate Group (India); Ayesha Khosla, Senior Sustainability Strategist, Forum for the Future (India); Saksham Nijhawan, Energy Transition Lead, Forum for the Future (India); Atul Mudaliar, Director of Systems Change, Climate Group (India).

Powering Youth Engagement for an Inclusive Digital Economy

Author(s) Mariana Rozo-Paz, Policy, Research and Project Management Lead, Datasphere Initiative (Colombia/Global); João Moreno Falcão, Lead Facilitator, Internet Society Youth Standing Group (Brazil/Global).

Gaps in Digital Financial Inclusion: Lessons for G20

Author(s) Pami Dua, Senior Professor & Former Director, Delhi School of Economics. University of Delhi (India); Deepika Goel, Associate Professor, Aryabhatta College, University of Delhi (India); Neha Verma Assistant Professor, Kirorimal College, University of Delhi (India); Neeraj Kumar, Joint Director (Bilateral Cooperation), Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India; Ashita Allamraju Post-doctoral Fellow, University of Toronto (Canada).

Amplifying Digitalisation for Sustainable Agri-Food Systems

Author(s) Maranatha Bernard Ferryal, Policy Adviser, Indonesia Fertilizer Research Institute (Indonesia); Nora Ndege Research Fellow, The University of Sussex (The United Kingdom); Laras Wuri Dianningrum, Researcher, Indonesia Fertilizer Research Institute (Indonesia); Tamalia Nur Fadillah, Researcher, Indonesia Fertilizer Research Institute (Indonesia).