Policy Briefs


Financing Resilient Prosperity in Small Island Developing States

Author(s) Emily Wilkinson, Principal Research Fellow, ODI (United Kingdom); Courtney Lindsay, Senior Research Officer, ODI (United Kingdom); Jack Corbett, Professor, Monash University (Australia); Matthew Bishop, Senior Lecturer, Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (United Kingdom); Gail Hurley, Affiliate, Resilient and Sustainable Islands Initiative, ODI (United Kingdom).

Debt And Climate: Empowering Debt for Climate Swaps to Finance the Green Transition in Africa

Author(s) Malancha Chakrabarty. Senior Fellow and Deputy Director (Research), Observer Research Foundation, India; Karim El Aynaoui Executive President, Policy Center for the New South, Morocco; Youssef El Jai, Economist, Policy Center for the New South, Morocco; Badr Mandri, Economist. Policy Center for the New South, Morocco; Manish K Shrivastava, Senior Fellow and Associate Director. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), India

Breaking the Vicious Cycle of Debt and Climate Crisis: Debt Relief for a Green and Inclusive Recovery

Author(s) Marina Zucker-Marques. Senior Academic Researcher, Boston University Global Development Policy Center (USA); Maria Fernanda Espinosa, Chief Executive Officer, GWL Voices (Spain); Joerg Hass, Head of the Globalization and Transformation Division, Henrich Boell Stiftung (Germany)

Mainstreaming Debt Swaps for Sustainable Development: Enhancing the G20 Common Framework for Debt Treatments

Author(s) Pablo de la Vega Senior Researcher, Fundar (Argentina); Sejal Patel, Senior Researcher, International Institute of Environment and Development (United Kingdom); Victoria Arias Mahiques, Senior Researcher, Fundar (Argentina); Anna Ducros, Researcher, Nature Economist. International Institute of Environment and Development (United Kingdom); Gautam Jain, Senior Research Scholar, Center on Global Energy Policy. Columbia University (United States); Juliette Landry, Research Fellow, Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (France); Paul Steele, Chief Economist, International Institute of Environment and Development (United Kingdom)

Policy Brief on Domestic Debt Restructuring

Author(s) C.P. Chandrasekhar, Global Director, Research and Policy, IDEAS (Global); Jayati Ghosh, Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, (USA)

Navigating Global Debt Challenges through G20: Brazil's Role in a Shaping a Just Order with a Rights Based Approach

Author(s) Dr Vishal Sagar, Assistant Professor. Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, India; Ms Anima Puri Assistant Professor, Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies, India; Mr Anand Mishra, Doctoral Candidate, Johns Hopkins University, USA; Dr Divya Anand Associate Dean (UG), Assistant Professor, IILM University, India

An Inclusive G20 Strategy to Scale 'Debt-for-Nature/Climate Swaps' for Effective Climate and Biodiversity Action in Developing

Author(s) Arun. S. Nair, Visiting Fellow, Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) (India); Kevin Bender. Director (Greening Sovereign Debt), The Nature Conservancy (USA); Priyadarshi Dash. Associate Professor. Research and Information System for Developing Countries (RIS) (India); Anna Willingshofer, Chief Science and Innovation Officer, Wildlife Habitat Council-WHC (USA); Beatriz Nofal, Executive Committee Member and Director of U.S. Committee. Consejo Argentino para las Relaciones Internacionales (CARI). (Argentina); Andrew Deutz Managing Director. Global Policy and Conservation Finance, The Nature Conservancy (USA)

Proposals to Strengthen the Sovereign Debt Restructuring Framework

Author(s) Brahima Coulibaly, Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development, Brookings Institution (USA); Hafez Ghanem, Senior Fellow, Policy Center for the New South (Morocco); Wafa Abedin, Senior Research and Administrative Assistant to the Vice President and Director. Global Economy and Development. Brookings Institution (USA)

Reallocating Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) to African Financial Institutions

Author(s) Etsehiwot Kebret, Development Finance Advisor, Development Reimagined (China); Faten Aggad, Executive Director, African Future Policies Hub (Nairobi).

How The G20 Can Help Caribbean SIDS Escape from their Debt-Climate Change Trap

Author(s) Jwala Rambarran, Senior Policy Advisor, Caribbean Policy Development Centre (Barbados); Folade Mutota, Director, Women's Institute for Alternative Development (Trinidad & Tobago)

One Size Does Not Fit All – Analyzing the Applicability of Options for Expanding Lending Capacity Across MDBs

Author(s) Sabina Amangeldi, Analyst of the Research Department, Eurasian Development Bank (Kazakhstan); Oscar Llamosas, Vice President for Strategic Development, FONPLATA Development Bank (Bolivia); Matias Mednik, Head of the Economic Department, FONPLATA Development Bank (Bolivia); Rafael Ranieri, Head of the Development Effectiveness Department, FONPLATA Development Bank (Bolivia); Anton Malakhov, Head of Projects of the Research Department, Eurasian Development Bank (Kazakhstan); Evgeny Vinokurov, Chief Economist, Eurasian Development Bank (Kazakhstan).

From Condionality to Commitment: A Sustainability-Linked aproach to Finnancing the Green Transition

Author(s) Arend Kulenkampff, Director, Sustainability-linked Sovereign Debt Hub (Switzerland); Dileimy Orozco, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G (United Kingdom).