Luciana Servo (Ipea) T20 Brasil Midterm Conference


Jul 26, 2024

Luciana Servo, President of Ipea, highlights the importance of the T20 Brasil Organizing Committee, composed by the institute alongside CEBRI and FUNAG, being successful in gathering 121 think tanks to compose the task forces (TFs) and output more than 350 policy briefs that resulted in a Communiqué delivered to the leaders of the Brazilian G20 Presidency.

In fact, Luciana also points to the strengthening of the knowledge generated by think tanks during the T20 process, and underlines the participation of 50 invited think tanks to make up the T20 National and International Advisory Council, which results in a cooperative network of more than 170 national and international institutions influencing both the Government and the Sherpas and Finance Tracks of the G20 agenda.

Check out the T20 Brazil Communiqué in full, HERE.

The Conference was organized by CEBRI, FUNAG, IPEA, Rio de Janeiro City Hall and BNDES, and sponsored by CAF, Equinor, Veirano Advogados, AWS, Microsoft, KAS Brasil and Suzano.

Watch the two-day event on CEBRI's YouTube channel.

Let's rethink the world!
