T20 Brasil Midterm Conference

Sep 06, 2024

Two months ago, the Midterm Conference of T20 Brasil took place, an event that discussed the most relevant agendas for current global discussions in thematic panels. Among them are sustainable climate action, fair energy transitions, inclusive digital transformation, reform of the international financial architecture, combating hunger, poverty, and inequality, strengthening multilateralism, global governance, and international trade and investment.

The conference was marked by the early delivery of the Communiqué, a document of policy recommendations to the leaders of the G20. Now, two months before the Official G20 Summit—a crucial moment for the conclusion of the work carried out by the Brazilian presidency, which will bring together the leaders of the 19 participating countries, as well as the European Union and the African Union—we recall the key moments of the event.

Watch the full video and check out the main impacts and results of the Midterm Conference of T20 Brasil.
