Felipe Hees (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) T20 Brasil Midterm Conference


Aug 23, 2024

Felipe Hees, G20 Brasil Sous Sherpa at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, highlighted the importance of engagement groups in the G20 ecosystem, highlighting that these groups keep governments aware that civil society is an essential element in the formulation of public policies. He also emphasized the relevance of T20, which brings together academics, leading thinkers on the topics under discussion and the best strategies to be followed. The T20 recommendations, considered of great importance, were sent to Sherpas in advance for the first time, allowing sufficient time for them to be discussed and incorporated into ministerial statements.

On July 2nd and 3rd, the G20 Community and members of Think20 Brasil met in Rio de Janeiro for the “T20 Brasil Midterm Conference”. The Conference, held at the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), had as its main objective the debate and dissemination of information on the recommendations contained in the Communiqué, a synthesis of discussions by more than 120 national and international think-tank institutions from 33 countries.

Check out the T20 Brazil Communiqué in full, HERE.

The Conference was organized by CEBRI, FUNAG, IPEA, Rio de Janeiro City Hall and BNDES, and sponsored by CAF, Equinor, Veirano Advogados, AWS, Microsoft, KAS Brasil and Suzano.

Watch the two-day event on CEBRI's YouTube channel.

Video: Cine Poesias
