Ronaldo Veirano (Veirano Advogados) T20 Brasil Midterm Conference


Aug 05, 2024

Ronaldo Veirano, co-founder of Veirano Advogados, comments on the relevance of supporting the event and the institution in formulating legal issues in the work of the T20 and the importance of Brazil's presidency in the G20 at both national and international levels.

On July 2nd and 3rd, the G20 Community and members of Think20 Brasil brought together in Rio de Janeiro for the “T20 Brasil Midterm Conference”. The main objective of the Conference was to debate and disseminate information on the recommendations contained in the Communiqué, the work of more than 120 national and international think tanks from 33 countries.

Check out the T20 Brazil Communiqué in full, HERE.

The Conference was organized by CEBRI, FUNAG, IPEA, Rio de Janeiro City Hall and BNDES, and sponsored by CAF, Equinor, Veirano Advogados, AWS, Microsoft, KAS Brasil and Suzano.

Watch the two-day event on CEBRI's YouTube channel.

Video: Cine Poesias
